Done With Dying

| G . . . | C . D/F# | x4

verse 1:
G C         G    C  D/F#
Sun sinking low
G               C               D    C  D/F#
barkeep I don't have nowhere to go.
Emin            C     G/B Amin  G   C      G/B    D
So pour me up a drink and leave the bottle on the bar
Amin     G/B  C      D/F#    Emin
you know it's gotten me this far

Emin          D                  G                  D    D/F#
I'm done with fighting I've done fought you my last time
Emin D                 C              D       G/B
Done delighting in the bottle and the rhyme
Amin Bmin  C     D       G        G/B    Amin  
I'm asking why I let you drive me near insane
Amin          G/B      C       D         C       D/F#     G
I'm done with fighting and I'm done with calling out your name

verse 2:
Moon on the rise
barkeep I can't seem to close my eyes
my pocketbook's as empty as this glass in front of me
so won't you pour me one for free?

I'm done with waiting, I done waited all I can
For all of your berating me I ain't a better man
I'm asking how I ever thought you felt the same
I'm done with waiting, done with calling out your name

          C                  G                   C               G
Where did all the good times go to and where's a man supposed to fall?
          C                       G                   C        G/B   Amin
Where did all them straight lines turn to and who's a guy like me to call
Amin   G/B  C         G/B      Amin
when I know you don't feel the same?
Amin         G/B       C       D/F#     G
I just can't keep from calling out your name

verse 3:
Two a.m.
barkeep, don't you send me home again
uncork that bottle, won't you pour another 'round
'cause I can't stand this coming down

I'm done with dying, I've been down that road before
Done with trying, done with waiting by your door
I'm asking why you left me standing in the rain
I'm done with dying, done with calling out your name

Where did all the good times go to and where's a man supposed to fall?
Where did all them straight lines turn to and who's a guy like me to call
when I know you don't feel the same?
Amin         G/B       C       D/F#     Emin  D
I just can't keep from calling out your name
Amin         G/B       C       D/F#     Emin  D
I just can't keep from calling out your name
Amin         G/B       C       D/F#     Emin  D
I just can't keep from calling out your name
Amin      G/B    C       D                          G
Done with dying, and I'm done with calling out your name

© John McGaraghan