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Schedule: Set Lists: 09/26/2009 at Starry Plough

Setlist for: Saturday, 09/26/2009 at Starry Plough

Song Notes
1. Sin City with Jill & Steve Pierce 
2. Get Up Jake with Jill & Steve 
3. My Oh My with Zac Matthews, Mike McGaraghan, & Tim Fisher 
4. On Down The Road with Zac, Mike, & Tim 
5. I'm Not Easy with Zac, Mike, & Tim 
6. Ass Out (In the Wind) with Zac, Mike, & Tim 
7. Look at Miss Ohio (by Gillian Welch) with Zac, Mike, & Tim 
8. Big Sky with Zac, Mike, & Tim 
9. The Weight with Zac, Mike, Tim, Jill & Steve 
10. I Shall Be Released with Zac, Mike, Tim, Jill, Steve, & Joe Creitz 
11. - encore -  
12. 2 with Zac, Mike, & Tim 
13. Must Be On My Way with Zac, Mike, & Tim 
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